Google has announced that they have started using HTTPS as a ranking signal. It means that websites that use secure, encrypted connections (SSL) will get a boost in search results. Google’s commitment to making the Internet safer is well known so the change did not come as a surprise to anyone.

Google says that they are using HTTPS as a “lightweight” signal for the time being but results have been very positive and they may consider strengthening this signal in the near future.

We see this as a strong trend so you may want to remind your customers about the benefits of SSL:

  1. SSL now helps with organic search rankings, which means that you get a boost in free traffic.
  2. A secure website instills trust. When users feel safer, they are a lot more likely to convert.
  3. SSL helps grow your bottom line. If you get more traffic and the traffic you get is more likely to convert it means that you can grow your bottom line faster.


A good resource to help you with your sales effort is the “Are you profiting from Trust?” Webinar. You can watch it in its entirety below.